Humor?Diabetic psychosocial classification

DiabetesForo's profile photo   03/19/2013 12:58 p.m.

Diabetic psycho-social behavior and classification
After the succinct introduction of diabetes, we will then classify the diabetic according to their psycho-social behavior;substantial reason for this exhibition.
Diabetics due to their disease, usually have a different behavior and behavior of non -diabetic people.Frequently they present humor and temperament changes in their family, work or society.
For this reason, according to studies of the diabetic behavior, the following classification is established:

I. Disciplined Diabetic (DD)
II.Diabetic without will (DSV)
III.Importive diabetic (DI)
IV.Potential diabetic (DP)
V. Diabetic Sheikh (DJ)
I. The disciplined diabetic (DD) is one that meets the pattern established by its diabetologist, doctor or podiatrist.It is usually disciplined and careful with meals, medication and physical exercises.He does not commit excesses, it is constant and daily controls his blood glucose.
In turn, it is divided into two subgroups:
· Prussian DD
Standard DD

The Prussian DD is a tyrant and despota character with those of his surroundings.Order to measure and weigh everything you eat.If they are 100 gr.of bread those that have recommended its nutritionist must be 100 grams!Not one more, not one less ..
If the bread exceeds in 1 gr., Orders your wife, daughter, etc. ... to remove with a clamp -he crumb- until you get the indicated weight.The chickpeas does not weigh them, make them count ..!He sends the woman to tell them in her presence ... and if she is not satisfied, she makes her again ... 201, 202, 203 ... like 250 chickpeas.It's unbearable!Prussian DD is intolerant, uncompromising and stubborn.He would like everyone to be diabetic;He does not accept his illness, especially those who are in the age range between 30 and 50 years after having led a dissipated and jaranera life ...
The standard DD meets its regime without being as stubborn as the previous one.If one day you spend in 3 gr., The next day it compensates.

II.The diabetic without will (DSV) is the one that succumbs to any forbidden food.He is unable to contain himself to engulf any stew loaded with hydrates, sweets, chocolate, etc ... especially at Christmas parties.
"Fulano of such has less will than a diabetic at Christmas" is a phrase used with lacking will.They falter and surrender to Alicante's nougat ...
A mayor, sadly famous from an Andalusian tourist city, arrested, married to a famous tonadillera made a hunger strike, which did not last more than five days.The prison doctor, knowledgeable about his diabetes and absence of will, ordered that they serve his favorite dish: spaghetti to the Boloñesa.As soon as smelling the penetrating aroma from the appetizing delicacy, he threw himself heading towards the plate.End of the strike.The Andalusians, with her fine humor they baptized her as ‘hunger’.
III.The diabetic imposter (DI) is the one who warns those of his surroundings, to hype and saucer, which fulfills the treatment to the letter.He affirms and tries to convince that he is an exemplary, suffered and disciplined patient.
However, it is quite the opposite.He is a liar, fake, patrañero, mendaz ... as soon as he left the consultation is already engulfing some sweet in the closest confectionery.
They are divided into three subgroups:
· Di aggressive
· Di contumaz
· Di trafficga

The aggressive impostor is the one who faces with his doctor;Doubt his knowledge and blames his hyperglycemia.He questions his professionalism reaching the public insult.It does not recognize its disobedience and indiscipline.

The contumaz diabetic is the recalcitrant liar.He is the one who is eating a chocolate cross in the presence of his doctor, friends or family and
He states that it is plastic.His own lies is believed ...

The diabetic traffic imposter is one who has suffered a diabetic coma, and hasSeen the ears to the wolf.Immediately change their stadium, it goes to DD.
With the diabetics included in the group D. Importor, drastic measures have been taken by family members.The most common action is to key the pantry, place a lock on the refrigerator, stamp the kitchen door ...
Among the D. Celebres, are S.S.Pope Benedict.Apparently, there have been numerous mornings that surprised him in the pantry by ingesting what he should not ... has recognized that the dishes of rice with milk, chocolate cakes and paparajotes of Murcia, among other sweets, complicate his blood glucose.

IV.Potential diabetic (DP) has an obsessive-compulsive behavior.He is the individual who without being diabetic, fears being in the future, because his grandparents, parents and family environment are.It behaves rigorously and severely with food intake and strives in sports.Sometimes the leaf of a lettuce has food, and then crushes spinning hours (pedaling techniques).

V. Diabetic Sheikh (DJ) are the diabetics that act like most Arab sheikhs;After a pantagruélica food and delicious Arab sweets, they immediately punctuate their blood glucose;And depending on the amount of blood glucose, the appropriate amount of insulin is injected.In summer, the selected restaurants of Puerto Banús have the so -called “sugar doctors” in the template to serve such illustrious oil magnates after the feast.

A controlled diabetic person, guarded and observed by health professionals, lives more and better than one that is not.
(copyright Antonio Capel Riera)

Linked to: Link ... Diabetico/

DiabetesForo's profile photo
03/19/2013 12:58 p.m.
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It is not humor.The diabetics have not only to endure one of the most fucked and difficult to control diseases, but above the few that are allowed to frivolize about patients.Someone imagines such a classification of cancer patients, or heart or any severe degenerative disease.

And of the phrase that a diabetic lives more and better controlled by health professionals, of course not true.I know cases of diabetic brothers, one that passed from the doctors and everything and the other that fulfilled everything to Rajataba and the second has gone much worse.

Sherpa41's profile photo
03/19/2013 5:06 p.m.

En 1922 descubrieron la insulina, en 1930 la insulina lenta. ¿Que c*** han hecho desde entonces?


Humor, humor, ... Well, what is humor for some is in bad taste for others ... Belen Esteban was missing, but when reading this man's blog, I saw that he names her on a list of "consecrated" diabetics:-/
While it is true that certain diseases have in common certain psycho -social compotamientia.that there are no diabetes but diabetic and each of them is a person with their multiple "shades" of unimaginable colors:-/ Health professionals "are made" based on patients like us are not gods and sometimes they go through very much pathswrong ... it is normal to see repetitive behaviors, but it is not to sit dogma of them ...
Ok, I don't roll up anymore, there is a lot of misinterpretation, in a genral of everything, circulating on the network ... hopefully it does not reach "turbulent" minds :?:

Ros's profile photo
03/22/2013 6:17 p.m.
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Ja, ha ... as we love to classify and analyze psychosocial behavior.

Ruthbia's profile photo
05/09/2016 8:56 a.m.

Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.


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