Pregnancy causes changes in the mother's metabolism that are intended to allow the fetus to nurture.That is why the glucose levels of the future mom, after meals, are higher than if she was not pregnant.Gestational diabetes, which affects 9% of pregnant women in Spain, is not an disease, but an excessive increase in these levels.

Are there women prone to gestational diabetes or can it affect any pregnant woman equally?
It is more frequent in women with a history of diabetes in the family, or who are obese or over 35, or who have had large babies in previous pregnancies.Only half of pregnant women with gestational diabetes have risk factors.The obese woman who loses weight before pregnancy reduces the risk of suffering from it.

Does it influence having suffered gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy?
Yes, it influences.In fact, 70% of pregnant women are repeated.

What guidelines should a mother followed by gestational diabetes?
The pregnant woman with gestational diabetes must follow a healthy and adequate eating for pregnancy, perform moderate and adapted exercise and follow glycemia controls.It is convenient that the diet of these moms will be fractionated, without sugar, and that foods that contain carbohydrates are distributed in 6 meals to facilitate blood glucose control.Some pregnant women will need insulin injection if glucose levels are not properly controlled, after making diet settings.

How does gestational diabetes affect the fetus?
Gestational diabetes, especially if associated with maternal obesity, can cause supercharging of the fetus, with increased rate of newborns of high weight and that of children with transitory hypoglycemia (decrease in blood glucose) afterbirth.The rate of caesarean sections and preeclampsia (hypertension caused by pregnancy) are also greater than if there are no gestational diabetes.Most pregnancies with gestational diabetes and with an optimal glycemia control often end without complications.Breastfeeding reduces the risk of future diabetes of the mother and also reports benefits to the newborn.

How to know if I suffer from gestational diabetes?
In our country, a gestational diabetes damage test is performed to all pregnant women between weeks 24 and 28. It is about measuring blood glucose one hour after ingesting 50gr of glucose.If the test is positive (glycemia ≥140mg/dl) a second test will be carried out, the diagnostic curve, 3 hours with 100 grams of glucose.Women at very high risk of gestational diabetes need to perform the test also in the first quarter.

What is this second test?
100 gr of glucose are administered after an 8 -hour fast and blood extractions are made to measure blood glucose, first fasting and after 1 hour, 2 hours and 3 hours, after the intake of glucose.Gestational diabetes is diagnosed if two or more values ​​exceed or match the following: fasting 105 mg/dl;1h 190 mg/dl;2 h 165 mg/dl and 3h 145 mg/dl.

Does the intake of this glucose concentration cause side effects?
Glucose, despite having orange flavor, sometimes produces nausea or vomiting.

What to do in case of being diagnosed?
It is generally referred to the control of diabetes and pregnancy of the hospital or the endocrinology consultation.In some areas, basic diabetological education and pregnancy control, if there are no problems, is carried out in primary care centers.

Is it possible that the mother continues to be diabetic after the birth of the baby?
After childbirth, glucose levelsThey return to the situation prior to pregnancy.A new glycemia curve is usually done weeks after the baby's birth, which often gives normal results.However, women who have had gestational diabetes have a greater risk of diabetes in the future and need to follow up.Healthy eating, exercise and correction of obesity or overweight are effective measures for the prevention of future diabetes.