The order to withdraw the Rosiglitazone drug from all pharmacies in the United States was issued by the FDA, due to the serious cardiovascular problems that it causes, according to the results of a scientific study that was published by diabetes per day more than five years andwhere we already warned the risks of the use of this medicine.

Unfortunately, many doctors in other countries continue to prescribe this dangerous medication without knowing that the lives of their patients are putting at risk.That is why it is very important that everyone is very well informed.

The administration of food and food (FDA) ordered the withdrawal of the Rosiglitazone drug from all the United States pharmacies from November 18, because several scientific studies demonstrated the increase in probability that the people who used it had problems hadcardiovascular or a heart attack.

Unfortunately, this measure has no effect in the other countries where many doctors continue to prescribe this medicine."It's like a nightmare that lasted more than a decade and now ends," said Dr. Steven Nissen, who is head of cardiovascular medicine of the Cleveland Clinic and added "eleven years after this medicine was introduced to the market, her accessIt will be so restricted that virtually no one can use it. ”

More than five years ago, Dr. Nissen warned about the risks representedScientific study led by him.The results of this study were published in the New England Journal of Medicine and by diabetes a day in 2007, where we already made a warning call in the use of this medication.

Several scientific studies after this showed similar results.The Rosiglitazone is known under the commercial name of Avandia and manufactured by the Glaxosmith & AMP pharmaceutical giant;KlineOther formulations of this medication are known under the Avandamet (Rosiglitazone and Metformin) and Avandaryl (Rosiglitazone and glimperide) brands.

The order to withdraw from the market this medicine applies for both Avandia and its Avandamet and Avandaryl formulations.

Avandia will be available only for very specific cases

According to the order of the FDA, the rosiglitazone will only be accessible to those people who despite being well informed about the risks involved in the use of this medication, decide to continue using it and also qualify for safety reasons, according to theFederal Agency criteria.

On the other hand, those who manage to qualify must register in the Avandia-Rosiglitazone Medicines Access Program.For those who qualify and register in the program, this medicine may be acquired only through mail orders that will be sent by certain pharmacies certified by this program.

Glaxosmith & AMP;Kline designed an information campaign aimed at pharmacists and doctors in the United States, about this Rosiglitazona restricted access program.The spokeswoman for the manufacturer, Mary Anne Rhyne, said "in the meantime, patients should consult with their doctor, before making any change in their treatment."

In the United States, doctors may no longer prescribe Rosiglitazona (Avandia) or any of their formulations and to do so, a prohibition alert will appear, due to this measure adopted by the FDA.

Unfortunately this measure has no effect on the other countries of the world and many doctors will continue to prescribe this dangerous medication without knowing that they will be putting inrisk the physical integrity of their patients.

similar medicine had already been removed from the market in 1999

After the exclusion of the troglitazone market in 1999, that same year the rosiglitazone and pioglitazone were approved for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. At the time of approval, it was not reported about the possible serious adverse effects that could causeThis medicine, but on the contrary, some benefits that this medicine could offer to improve some cardiovascular risk factors, such as insulin resistance, blood pressure, microalbuminuria, protein levels Cat reactive and carotid intimal thickening were announced.However, since the approval of both drugs, a number of serious adverse events that this medicine could cause was warned.

Rosiglitazone was related to a spectrum of potentially serious adverse events, such as heart failure (IC), loss of vision, fractures in women's patients and, more recently, acute myocardial infarction (IAM).

"There is another medication of the same class that Avandia (Rosiglitazona) that is known as acts (pioglitazone), which instead of increasing these cardiovascular risks, decreases them," said Dr. Nissen in Bloomberg and added "when there are two medications ofThe same class and one is beneficial and the other is harmful, the most logical thing is that we want to undo the one that harms us and want to use the one that benefits us ”

Diabetes a day highlights the importance of staying well informed to preserve your health

The medications are not free marketing products, but rather regulated and controlled products that must meet certain safety standards before being approved and if it is proven that some represents a risk to the integrity of patients must be immediately removed from the market to protectand preserve the health of the population.

Unfortunately many doctors in other countries continue to prescribe this dangerous medication without knowing that the lives of their patients are putting at risk.That is why it is essential to highlight the importance that people with diabetes have to always remain well informed and thus, in this case, they can discuss with their doctor about other alternatives in their treatment that allow them to preserve and improve their quality of life.

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