A facing scheme ensures that 15% has retinopathy

DiabetesForo's profile photo   08/08/2011 1:29 p.m.

15% of patients reviewed in the program No diabetic without seeing diabetic retinopathy without knowing it

The Mediterranean Ophthalmological Foundation (FOM) has performed retinographies of both eyes to a total of 5,879 diabetic patients of the Community during the first half of the yearWithin the pilot project "No diabetic without seeing", which is being developed throughout the health departments of Alcoy, Requena and Vinaroz.

Of the total diabetics reviewed, 80% (4,710 people) does not present injuries.However, 15% (884 patients) have been diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy in different degrees. of this 15%, 87'8% presents mild non -proliferative diabetic retinopathy;10%, moderate;1'8%suffers the disease in a severe stadium;and 0'5% presents proliferative diabetic retinopathy, which implies a more advanced state of retina involvement.

"The prevention of diabetic retinopathy can reduce in the future the number of diabetic people with blindness or poor vision, because when you stop early what the problem can be acting on it to avoid its progression," says Dr. Amparo Navea,Medical Director of the Mediterranean Ophthane Foundation.

"We are very satisfied with the results obtained because around 900 patients with injuries that were unaware of this disease have been detected. Let's not forget that a patient can have diabetic retinopathy without visual symptoms that alarm.From the bottom of the eye and visual acuity, since it is the only way to identify patients in initial phases, time where we get the best results with treatment, "adds Dr. Navea.

Results by provinces

By provinces, in Alicante the program is being executed in the Department of Health of Alcoy.In total, 2,861 patients have been taken.Due to the largest number of diabetic population, the FOM has displaced two retinographers that during these 6 months have traveled the health centers and auxiliary centers of Plaça de DNS, La Bassa, Cocentaina, La Factory, Banyeres de Mariola, Ibi II and Batoi.

Of the total patients reviewed, 16'3% suffer injuries (465 people).While the vast majority, 79'3% (2,270 people) does not present problems in the retina.

From the percentage of patients with injuries, 410 cases of mild -proliferative diabetic retinopathy (88'2%) have been diagnosed;46 cases in a moderate stage (9'9%);6 people in a severe degree (1'3%) and 3 patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy (0.6%).

In Castellón, in the Department of Health of Vinaroz, retinographies have been performed to 1,580 patients from the Health Centers of Peñíscola, Calig, Benicaló, Traiguera and Forcall.Of these, 79% do not have injuries, while in 15'4% of cases the presence of diabetic retinopathy has been detected.

Of this 15'4%, 210 patients (86'4%) has mild diabetic retinopathy;26 people, moderate (10.7%);7, severe (2'9%), while no proliferative diabetic retinopathy has been detected.

In the province of Valencia, more specifically in the Department of Requena, 1,438 diabetic patients have undergone the reviews carried out during these 6 months in the Requena office, the Health Center of Coofent and Ayora, and the Auxiliary Centers of San Antonio, Jalance, Jarafuel and Cortes de Pallás.

Of these, 82'9% of patients (a total of 1,192) do not have injuries, while 12'2% (176 people) have been diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy.Of this last percentage, 156 people(88'6%) in a mild stadium;16, moderate (9'1%);3, severe (1'7) and a proliferative diabetic retinopathy case (0'6%) has been detected.

No diabetic program without seeing

In January, the Mediterranean Ophthalmological Foundation began the implementation of the "No diabetic without seeing" program, whose objective is the early detection of diabetic retinopathy among the diabetic population of the Community that is currently not being treated by an ophthalmologist.To do this, the FOM has displaced 4 retinographers that throughout the year will tour the different health centers of the departments of Alcoy, Requena and Vinaroz.

Every day, retinographies made to patients in both eyes are captured in their own database and are sent to the FOM through a safe repository on the network, from where the automatic screening program evaluates them and detects the presence or presence orabsence of injuries.This software passes the already filtered images of those patients with injuries to the Ophthalmologist of the FOM, who emits a new diagnosis.

The use of this novel automatic platform allows establishing the necessary periodicity of exams to these patients for an early diagnosis, in addition to improving resource management and minimizing personal and socio -health costs of this disease.

From the FOM, a letter to the health center of each patient is sent advising the background review in a year (in the case of patients diagnosed with mild diabetic retinopathy);the remission to its ophthalmologist for usual cause (for patients who have moderate diabetic retinopathy);or the remission to its ophthalmologist due to urgent or preferential cause for treatment (for patients diagnosed with severe diabetic retinopathy).

In the second semester of the year the execution of this project will continue, which is part of the Diabetes Plan of the Valencian Community 2006-2010.In the Department of Health of Alcoy, ocular reviews will continue in the populations of IBI, Muro de Alcoy, Beniarrés, Plans, Agge, Onil, Benilloba, Penaguila and Castalla.

In the Department of Health of Requena, the upcoming appointments will be carried out in the Health Centers and Auxiliary Centers of Ayora, Caudete de las Fuentes, Fueguerrobles, Sale of Moro, Villagordo, Camporrobles, Chera, Utiel, Sinarcas, Las Casas and Las Corrales.

In the department of Vinaròs, reviews will continue in Forcall, Alcalà de Xivert, Alcossebre, Cintorres, Morella, Sant Mateu, Catí and Vinaròs.

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08/08/2011 1:29 p.m.
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In 6 months the program has seen 5879 patients ... as much will reach 10000 patients in 2011.
Taking into account that in the Valencian Community there are about 450000 patients, the pompous title of "no diabetic without seeing" is little less than a tease of hair (2.22%has been reviewed)

However, it is worth a field study that can give us an idea of ​​the incidence of retinopathy between the population with diabetes.
If we extrapolate the data to the whole of Spain, we have:

- 450000 people with retinopathy in different degrees.
- 2250 people with proliferative retinopathy.

I seem chilling data to me because of its gravity: shock: :(

I would like to see a more detailed report, about the type of diabetes, degree of control and time of evolution ... I do not know if the FOM will come with the public subsidy that receives:-/

On the other hand, he mentions the savings in costs ... to see if once and for all, they force when they give a public subsidy, specify what it saves and how much money we are talking about ... that the same like the samethat saves on the one hand is lost for another.

Interestingly, it does not talk about the good number of distorted and poor quality images that reach ophthalmologists: Twisted:

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08/08/2011 1:44 p.m.
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