Abbott launches Freestyle Insulinx, new glucose control system that includes a fast insulin dose calculator

The system, presented within the framework of the XXIII National Congress of the Spanish Diabetes Society, is designed for patients with diabetes who use insulin to control their disease
ABBOTT has presented a new blood glucose control system called 'Freestyle Insulinx', within the framework of the XXIII National Congress of the Spanish Diabetes Society (SED).This is the first Blood glucose control system of Abbott that includes a Flexible Dose of Fast Insulin Dose (bolus) that adapts to the needs of patients in bolus bolus therapy.

The new Freestyle Insulinx meter offers useful functions for the patient such as a touch screen, an automated registration book, customization preferences and the possibility of connection through USB to easily send reports thanks to Freestyle Auto-Assist data management software.The Freestyle Insulinx system is already available in our country since April.

In Europe there are about 55.4 million people with diabetes, of which approximately 3.1 million live in Spain.About 600,000 require or depend on insulin to control their disease.

The correct calculation of insulin doses is one of the main difficulties they find in their treatment.According to a study, only 41 percent of people with diabetes were able to calculate these doses by adjusting carbohydrate intake and blood glucose levels.

"The appropriate and flexible dosage of insulin doses can be very complicated for patients who need insulin," explains Francisco Javier Ampudia-Blasco, of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Service of the University Clinical Hospital of Valencia."An inappropriate dosing of insulin can result in inappropriate hyperglycemia control and, concomitantly, an increased risk of hypoglycemia. The development of new systems to calculate insulin doses is crucial for both people with diabetes in insulin treatment andFor the health professionals who attend them, "he said during the presentation.

The calculation function of the Bolus of the Freestyle Insulinx system is designed to help patients calculate a suggested insulin dose that facilitates maintaining adequate blood glucose levels according to the recommendations of their professionalSanitary.

According to Marisa Amaya, responsible for the Diabetes Education Unit of the Health Area of ​​Campo de Gibraltar, "the device, once configured by the professional, can calculate the rapid insulin dose that must be injected before each meal, taking into account theSensitivity factor of each patient.

"The added value of this device is that it facilitates adherence to treatment. It also favors conditions for better completion and prevents incorrect decision making minimizing glycemic variability," said Amaya.