About to end the year, it is essential to review the scientific achievements of 2014, a year full of advances and that mark a before and after for health and also for science.This year, highlights the landing of the Philae module in comet 67p/Churyumov-Gerrasimenko which is the most important moment of the rosette mission, but the possibility for diabetes has also been discovered.

Among the most important archaeological discoveries of 2014 we have to mention the cave paintings of Indonesia, which are as old as those in Europe and that open a new enigma about the evolution of the human species, since until now science had a pointof completely Eurocentrist and this finding breaks the hypothesis that art had occurred for the first time in Europe.

In June 2014, the result of the Turing test was announced in which a machine was, for the first time, capable of deceiving a group of 30 people who was a human and not a computer, this result is one of theGreater scientific advances in 2014 in the field of computing and that opens a new path for artificial intelligence.

The Roseta mission culminated last month with the landing of the Philae module in Comet 67p/Churyumov-Gerrasimenko, although it could only send data for three days because the landing did not come out as planned, the mission information is essential to understand moreHow are the comets and that they are formed.

In the field of health, 2014 was a key year, and a result that will undoubtedly change, in the future, the life of diabetes patients, because a study by Harvard University managed to cultivate capable cells capableto cure the disease.