In Mexico, diabetes is a serious problem, when presenting in young population.According to data from the Ministry of Health, in the last year the largest number of cases was presented among people aged 25 to 44, with 124 thousand 705 new cases.That is, almost 40 percent of the new patients due to obesity are in that age range.

Sergio Papaqui Tapia, Teaching Coordinator of the University Hospital of Puebla (HUP), when inaugurating the XVI continuous medical update course 2015, in Pediatric Allergy and Internal Medicine, said that 90 percent of Mexican families have at least one relative withExcess weight and that generates, in most cases, type 2 diabetes. The candidates to suffer from this disease, he added, are those who consume too many carbohydrates and maintain a sedentary life.

He cited the most recent report of the Ministry of Health, to point out that Mexico occupies the first worldwide in childhood obesity, since from January to November 2014 registered 35 thousand 157 new cases of obesity between children from one to 14 years, and 151,626 among young people aged 15 to 19.

The HUP teaching coordinator explained that when insulin reaches the cells it is not recognized and the subject feels weak and when manifesting this symptom thinks that it is due to lack of food, which causes more food to be ingested than the body needsAnd enter a vicious circle that hardly exceeds, if not treated by a specialist.

In the research that is carried out in the HUP, around type 2 diabetes, postgraduate students and specialists focused on improving the quality of life of diabetic patients, and in those who are at risk of suffering it to propitiate itin the type of food and lifestyles, such as inviting them to perform some physical activity.