A recent study published in the magazine "Diabetology" ensures that a series of autoantibodies (a autoantibody is an antibody developed by the immune system that acts directly against one or more antigens of the individual) in the blood could predict the development of diabetesType 1 (DM1) in children.

The study, known as "The Environmental Determinepancreas, thus causing type 1 diabetes (DM1) in children.

Antibodies are proteins found in the blood.Its presence indicates that the immune system has attacked a foreign body.Autoantibodies indicate an autoimmune disease.That is, they suggest that the immune system attacks healthy or good cells, that is, those that are insulin producers.

This type of abnormal behavior of the immune system is the cause of type 1 diabetes (DM1) according to scientists.If the first autoantibody found in young children attacks insulin, this could indicate the presence of type 1 diabetes (DM1).

Similarly, if the GAD65 that is a protein that is within the beta cells of insulin producers is the objective of the autoantibodies, the child can also be prone to develop type 1 diabetes (DM1).In some cases, the antibodies aimed at both insulin and GAD65 will be at the same time.

The investigation we are talking about was carried out to about 8,600 children from Sweden, the United States, Germany and Finland, all prone to develop type 1 diabetes inheritance (DM1).

6.5 percent of them had their first autoantibodies before the age of six.Of these children, 44 percent had a autoantibody aimed at insulin, 38 percent had GAD65 autoantibodies before the two, and 14 percent had two autoantibodies at three years.

The study suggests that autoantibodies may appear before what was thought.Researchers still do not know why immune attacks on insulin producing cells are produced.

AKE LERNMARK, main researcher at El Estudio, suggested that a virus can be responsible: "It is possible that there are two different diseases that perhaps intervene in a virus triggers the autoantibodies against insulin and in another the autoantibodies against GAD65."