It is estimated that currently 10 percent of Mexican children between 10 and 19 years of age have type II diabetes, so it is necessary for parents to monitor infants' feeding, as well as maintainChronic Degenerative Diseases, said the pediatrician of the General Hospital of the Institute of Social Security and Services of State Workers (ISSSTE) in Zacatecas, Osvaldo Ramos Fernández.

He explained that diabetes is a health problem because of the frequency with which it is observed in the medium and long term (diabetic ketoacidosis, renal failure, frequent and serious infections, infarcts, stroke, limb amputation, blindness, blindnessand dental problems).

"Reversible was considered recently, however, thanks to novel and revolutionary investigations it is known that it is not only preventable but also can stop its evolution and in some cases reverse the disease";assured.

He pointed out that its prevalence is greater in those patients with a history of maternal diabetes or in first -degree relatives, despite the development of the disease is determined by environmental factors: obesity, overweight and physical inactivity.

Ramos Fernández reiterated that most of the time he has an asymptomatic presentation (diagnosed in a routine check) or with minor to moderate symptoms generally polyuria (need to frequently urinate) and polydipsia (intense thirst), an almost constant clinical element is the presenceof obesity or overweight in the child.

Within the treatments is prevention in children and adolescents, which must be done by acting on the modifiable risk factors, eradicating the bad nutritional habits, eliminating excessive consumption of hypercaloric foods, baking and fried and industrialized foods, promotingthe consumption of salads, steamed and/or in broths, and fruits and an adequate contribution of protein (preferably cold water fish) that allow normal sexual maturation, growth and development.

The pediatrician pointed out that three steps must be followed to control type II diabetes in children: make the firm decision to make the necessary changes in the current diet, quantity and type of exercise and the management of the stress, have the patience to know thatThis treatment takes time and requires will and finally knowing that at the time you fail with your diet and lifestyles, you will break down and it will be necessary to start over.

Finally, he reiterated that a current study demonstrates that changes in healthy lifestyles, as well as performing exercise routinely (30 minutes per day for five days), they are even more effective than the use of metformin to prevent diabetes.

"Many people have the idea that fruits have many calories, so they prefer the use of whole cereals for the management of diabetes, so the following comparative table is shown to you," he added.

Among the recommendations emitted by the ISSSTE is to maintain the diabetic patient diet should be based on formula 80/20:

1.- 80 percent of fruits, vegetables, germinates, seeds, some roots and 20 hundred fish and soy water (it helps improve the blood level of sugar as well as total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol “bad cholesterol”, triglycerides,C -reactive protein “Indicator of inflammation and risk of cardiovascular disease” and improves renal functioning indices). Comprehensive, legume, olive oil.

2.- At the beginning of food, include a vegetable soup.

3.- Reduces the amount of food gradually, a 50% reduction of theAmount ingested for a year:

Tricks to reduce the volume of what we eat:

To.-Maying food very well.

b.- Serve food in small dishes.

c.- Turn off the TV.

D.- Eat 80 percent of what is served on the plate.