I don't understand many things

diarveinde's profile photo   12/24/2012 5:07 a.m.

Hello, good morning and happy parties to all.I introduce myself.I am new in this forum and also in the world of diabetes.I am a 30 -year -old girl who about two months ago have diagnosed gestational diabetes.It has been an early diagnosis since they did it to me about 10 weeks of pregnancy because my father is type 2 diabetic and entered the risk groups.Well, the gynecologist sent me to me and other pregnant women with diabetes to a talk in which they explained why we had developed the disease, the risks for us and the fetus, the use of the glucometer and gave us a diet.They gave us all the diet regardless of physical characteristics, way of life or anything like that.A standard diet of 1800 kcal.And running.I have to say that I work in emails and for this reason I walk about 9 kilometers daily.I was doing the diet for about ten days and measuring glycemia before and after each meal and returned to my gynecologist's consultation.The values ​​before and after the food and dinner were within the parameters that they indicated as normal, less than 90 before meals and less than 140 an hour later.But the measures obtained before and after breakfast were not at all controlled.Before breakfast I had between 96 and 105 and then between 125 and 178. When I went to the consultation, he told me to change the type of breakfast to a more protein one and that I began to prick insulin at night.Insulatard flex and start by 6 units by clicking on the thighs.I started doing it and noticed that the glycemia after breakfast dropped considerably and has never overcome the 130. The before and after the food and dinner also decreased and did not usually exceed 85 in the previous measurements or the 115 and theIn later.But before breakfast is still "uncontrolled."Between 92 and 105. After another ten days I return to the consultation.He tells me to continue the same but put one more insulin unit.For four days I do the controls and that of fasting is "uncontrolled" more.Every day between 98 and 99. I return to the consultation and tells me again that another unit (go eight).And I continue in them between 98 and 111 in the 7 days that I had the consultation.He told me that if he saw that he did not fall as 90, he continued to increase one more or five unit until he went down from that amount that I need as pregnant.I have no consultation until January 16 and I from what I appreciate, the more I upload the insulin, the more the level rises and the more those of the meals that have never exceeded 103 have descended since I put 7 units.I do not know what I am doing wrong and I think that maybe it has something to do with my schedules.Daily, to go to work I wake up at 6 in the morning and breakfast.At 9 I take a piece of small fruit like a tangerine, half apple, half orange ... at twelve I take a turkey sandwich with a sugar -free whole bread that they sell in Mercadona.At 15 as already at home.At 18, the 18th.At 21 Ceno.At 23 I put the insulin and around 24 I go to bed and take a small glass of skim milk.Can it be that I put the insulin too soon for how early I wake up?Should I suppress the glass of milk since I take it after having put the insulin?And on weekends and these holidays, I do as if I went to work so as not to break the schedules, that is, I get up at 6, breakfast, go back to sleep and then wake up, lunch ....Until the 23 that I put the insulin.I try to keep the meals schedules every day.It is a roll the truth to have to get up the days that I don't work is this necessary?Or could I have breakfast when I woke up (which is not usually too late, 8, 8.30) instead of 6?I don't know, I haveA cocoa .... I see that values ​​are not exorbitant but the gynecologist says that it is very important that they are below 90 before breakfast.And I'm afraid to be doing something wrong that affects my baby, although for now they tell me that he is perfectly.I hope that with your experience and knowledge you can give me a little light in all this because the truth, I escape from my hands.
Greetings to all, sorry for the roll and thanks for advances

diarveinde's profile photo
12/24/2012 5:07 a.m.
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Welcome to the forum.

I start at the end ... The important thing about glycemia is that they are as controlled as possible as not only basal blood glucose.
It seems nonsense to say that fasting blood glucose always has to be less than 90 and forget about all the remaining glycemia of the day: shock:-//

I imagine that the glycemia curve would come out positive.
Almost all the glycemia that you put are inside the range and should not worry in the least.
Glycosylated hemoglobin is the average of all glycemia of the last 3 months, it is an analytical that they have surely done to you.
It is a more stable and reliable value than specific glycemia.
It is recommended to have it as close to 6% as possible.

Another important thing ... the glucometers are not accurate 100%, there is a margin of error that can reach up to 10%, so take the values ​​that come out.

daily, to go to work I wake up at 6 in the morning and breakfast.At 9 I take a piece of small fruit like a tangerine, half apple, half orange ... at twelve I take a turkey sandwich with a sugar -free whole bread that they sell in Mercadona.At 15 as already at home.At 18, the 18th.At 21 Ceno.At 23 I put the insulin and around 24 I go to bed and I take a small glass of skim milk .Can it be that I put the insulin too soon for how early I wake up?Should I suppress the glass of milk since I take it after having put the insulin?And on weekends and these holidays, I do as if I went to work so as not to break the schedules, that is, I get up at 6, breakfast, go back to sleep and then wake up, lunch ....Until the 23 that I put the insulin.I try to keep the meals schedules every day.It is a roll the truth to have to get up the days that I don't work is this necessary?Or could I have breakfast when I woke me up (which is not usually too late, 8, 8.30) instead of 6?

A 100ml glass of milk can rise about 25 glycemia.
Maybe eliminating the glass of milk, morning blood glucose lows a little more.

What elevates blood glucose (in addition to many other things) are carbohydrates.
HC are everything that is born from the earth (flour, rice, legumes, fruits ...) + milk
You should consume HC complex (such as integral sandwich) because they raise blood glucose and not forces so much to the pancreas to work.
HC are essential, you don't have to stop eating them.

Look at this website:
If there is something that you do not understand, ask it that for that we are here;)

One last thing, the insulin you use begins to take effect from the time you puncture it and its effect is extended almost 24 hours
That is, from 12 or 1 in the morning it is when you can have the most effect.
Sometimes we have diabetes we suffer 2 problems:
-Effect of ALBA --- The body generates glucose (as if preparing for action) and elevates us the blood glucose inevitably, there is always 1-2 hours before waking us.
-rebound effect ---- After hypoglycemia (except 50 or 60 blood glucose) the body reacts on its own and generates glucose to an emergency situation, that together with which we eat to avoid hypoglycemia makes us find hyperglycemia (valuesvery high, more than 250).

My recommendation.
1- Investigate whether in your hospital there is an educator nurse in diabetes ... They are usually in endocrinology.And ask for an appointment as soon as you can.
She is the professional in charge of teaching to control diabetes.
2.- If you have not gone to the endocrine, also consult it ... not all gynecologists know about diabetes, not muchless.
3. Get glycemia controls, all you can ... before and after each meal .... once do 1 control at 2 in the morning or at 5 in the morning.Without information, good control is impossible.

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/24/2012 5:57 a.m.
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Hi Diaveinde,

I have type 1 diabetes and I am also pregnant.When your little one should ask for some proof, it is not very normal for you to appear so soon in pregnancy.The normal thing is that the first quarter insulin needs descend with respect to before pregnancy.You may have a type 2 diabetes without diagnosing, but hey, now the important thing is that during pregnancy you are well controlled.

The glycemia that you comment are very good, we are going any of us (with diabetes before pregnancy) we would sign for those figures and with worse figures the baby is perfect.It is normal that as pregnancy progresses, insulin needs are increasing.Go up as the doctor has told you and are not afraid that the body "does not get used to insulin."To get an idea, in my case (that my body does not produce absolutely any insulin) I have gone from injecting about 35 units before pregnancy to 140 in the third quarter.We are not even looking your case, and we each have an insulin resistance, I tell you so that you do not scare yourself if you have to increase the insulin day after day.

tica's profile photo
12/24/2012 11:22 a.m.

Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro
DM1 desde 1988
Mamá de 2 niños y a la espera del tercero
Bomba + Dexcom


Good morning and the first, thank you very much to both of having answered so fast, so well and so clear.I am quite lid these days, that's why my answer has become more of begging than yours.First, for us to understand my history, I tell you.
When they diagnosed my father diabetes, he will do about 15 years old, my sister and me, they began to test us to see if either of us also had it.My sister gave all the negative tests, her glycemia were always good and there the thing was over with Ell.No, hehehe.I was always on the border of good and evil.My glycemia were always on the edge.I was being seen by my endocrine for about 5 years.The disease never gave. The face and my values ​​continued in the healthy limit.They gave me my glucometer and made me controls at home being these reasonably good.My endocrine gave me the provisional discharge, so to speak because you could do nothing but control periodically to be ready when I wanted to face.I did not have to diet, or medication, or anything, normal life and wait.At that time I would be about 20 years old.Oh!I have to leave.Then I continue with the story.A hug to all!

diarveinde's profile photo
12/29/2012 5:55 a.m.
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Continuous, hehehe.Thus I continued with my life, quietly until one day in routine analyzes to verify that my glucose was still controlled, which caught the attention to my header was that the transaminases were quite high.They began to get hundreds of tests, analysis, ultrasound, biopsies .... Everything has always given the results well.Apparently I have nothing but my transaminases do not go down, they never arrive at normal values ​​and I have been with this story for about seven years.Earlier this year that I aim to finish, my digestive doctor told me that in the last two analyzes my glucose was an altered tad, 112 and 119 and sent me to make the curve and asked me for glyd hemoglobin.The curve went well and hemoglobin at 5.7.He told me that it was fine but that the curve would repeat every year and hemoglobin would ask for each analysis to send me.That was in April.I had to return to his consultation in November but in August I became pregnant.As soon as I knew I went to see her because she told me that the liver could complicate me with a pregnancy and that the day I stayed I had to say immediately to control myself.She is now seeing me every two months and also sent me to the high -risk consultation to take my pregnancy.I told them my background, although they all have them because they have been seeing me in the same hospital since I started with my non -diabetes and sent me the relevant tests.Hemoglobin gave 5.5 but the curve gave at 200 o'clock at two hours 157 and three 124. The transaminases rose a tad but nothing significant.So they started treating me diabetes.Of course, they take into account all the glycemia values ​​of before and after meals but that is that before and after dinner they have always always been well, within what they have told me as normal and even below.The only altered level has been breakfast.While only diet the one from before and after and now with insulin, only before.The one after always perfect.Now I am putting 9 units at 11pm.I do not make right.And I get up at 6h.92 two days, 110 another and 94 today.Tonight I will increase to 10 units to see if I get off 90. I will try to talk to the educator of my hospital.And I will continue reading all your advice and also the Moms thread with diabetes.Greetings for all, millions of thanks and happy new year !!

diarveinde's profile photo
12/29/2012 10:33 a.m.
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I am glad that things are better ... I think that the values ​​below 90 are very strict ... I don't know, the endo will know ... but being too strict with glycemias does not have to be as healthy as it seems:-/

DiabetesForo's profile photo
12/30/2012 9:40 a.m.
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