Hospital Quirón Tenerife has been selected to participate in a study on a new drug to treat type 2 diabetes in patients who do not respond properly to insulin administration.

In a note, the endocrine of this hospital Patricia Cabrera explains that the objective of this study is to obtain sufficient data from a sample of patients with type 2 diabetes who fail to control their blood glucose levels with insulin, sothat require intensifying their treatment.

To do this, they are administered this new drug, the lixisenatida, which was approved in Spain in 2013.

With the data obtained from this study, in which 2,400 people from several European countries will participate and that will last 3 years, researchers will be able to analyze the effectiveness of leathering, as well as other injectable intensification treatments combined with basal insulinOver time, explain the note.

They can also study the influence that other external factors such as medical practice or health systems in which patients are found on this therapy.

The specialist explains that as all scientific studies in this category, this has a scientific committee that will supervise the project, and an ethical committee that, although it is an eminently observational work, will guarantee patient safety at all times.

The endocrine ensures that the evaluation of the effectiveness of medicines in the day -to -day life of patients is fundamental and explains that this type of studies offer researchers the possibility of analyzing the effects of drugs in the real world.