A survey conducted to 425 countries in the world;Among them five Latin Americans, including Colombia, stood out for our country that, 47 % of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (the most frequent diabetes) "acknowledges having jumped their medication at least once."

This report indicates that, for the Colombian case, the reasons for a person with type 2 diabetes, do not take the medications in time, every day, is "the lack of memory, associated with the taking of too many pills."

John Jairo Duque, endocrinologist and president of version 13 of the Colombian Congress of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism indicated that not having a continuous use of medicines for this disease could further deteriorate the health of those who suffer from type 2 diabetes.

"Irreversible complications and damages can be experienced in the body of the lack of adhesion, such as cardiovascular diseases, respiratory infections, blindness, renal damage, amputation of upper limbs, among others," Duke explained.

Yehuda Handelsman one of the main researchers of the American Institute of Metabolism and Endocrinology present in the Colombian Congress, said that patients with type 2 diabetes, "do not feel when you have cholesterol and glucose in increased blood; so they often do not knowWhat medications are taken for and that is why they stop taking it or do not take it as many times as they should be. "

He reiterated that when there is an increase in glucose and cholesterol in the blood, the consequences range from blindness to damage to the heart.

Type 2 diabetes affirms the specialist, it manifests when the body does not produce enough insulin or a person's cells does not recognize the insulin of the body.

The causes of this hormonal deficiency are frequently due to unhealthy lifestyles, such as exaggerated sugar intake, carbohydrates and sedentary lifestyle.