2Day diabetes organized by Novartis has gathered another year to health care professionals in a scientific reference forum that aims to discuss and exchange the latest advances and future challenges in the approach to type 2 diabetes.

In the words of Francesc Xavier Cos, a specialist in Family Medicine, associate professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and vice president of Primary Care Diabetes Europe (PCDE), “The goal of diabetes 2day is to bet strongly on the basis of diabetes treatmentType 2: Communication, since it allows the patient to have a greater role in the cure of pathology and enables changes in life styles, very necessary for the correct evolution of type 2 diabetes. ”

Therefore, 2day diabetes has been structured in three areas: “The‘ hot topics ’or controversy issues, the elderly patient and practical cases,” he explained.Cos.“The 'hot topics' are 10 -minute presentations in which issues such as prevention, early treatment, clinical inertia, bariatric surgery, hypoglycemia in the management of diabetic disease, cardiovascular risk of patients have been addressedWith type 2 diabetes, intensive management of comorbidities or differences in approach between men and women.Likewise, the fragility of the elderly patient has been discussed as an element to take into account in the intensivity of the treatment, and practical cases about the management of insulin that AP doctors can find in their consultation in their day to day. ”

"The lifestyle is a basic aspect in the approach of diabetes, although it must be accompanied by good communication of the objectives to the patient to achieve a good adherence to treatment, one of the most problematic aspects of the management of pathology,"Cos has highlighted.Thus, a correct food and the inclusion of physical exercise in the daily routine are fundamental aspects in the management of diabetes patients and, especially, those of advanced age.

In this sense, specialists recommend individualizing and agreeing on feeding and physical activity plans with the patient, adapting them to their nutritional, metabolic, cultural and preferences, as well as encouraging them to perform individual or group activities that help them in changeof lifestyle.

In diabetes 2day and in words Mercedes Galindo, nurse educator in diabetes of the endocrinology service of the San Carlos Clinical Hospital (Madrid), “Food is a priority for the proper functioning of the organism of any person, but in people with type 2 diabetesNutritional therapy based on the Mediterranean diet acts in primary prevention by avoiding the appearance of DM2, in secondary prevention improving glycemic control and tertiary prevention being able to delay complications. ”

“The feeding of a person with this pathology is no different from the recommendations of the healthy diet for the general population, they should simply control some characteristics and certain foods must be consumed with control.An individualized eating plan, agreed with the person according to their tastes and needs, will always achieve greater adherence, ”the professional concluded.