With the aim of helping who needs it most, the Pilar de Esperanza and Sinacor Foundation signed an agreement to strengthen work ties and contribute to the detection of diabetes in children.

Luis Alejandro Pérez, director of said Foundation, and Dr. Manuel Odín de los Ríos Ibarra, head of the medical institution, tasty and concerned about the well -being of the Culiacanenses, made official the beginning of this campaign that seeks to detect diabetes early to avoidThe growing of this disease.

Willing to help.

The leader of the Pilar Esperanza Foundation indicated that this disease attacks more and more children, which is why, after having spoken with a medical Sinacor, the idea of ​​working in the prevention of it emerged.

The idea is to go to the areas of the periphery, home and schools, when the school year starts, to do the necessary tests that help detect if children suffer from this disease.

Subsequently, the little ones will be channeled to positively give Sinacor to be treated by specialists in the field.

"The idea is to attend, first of all, a thousand children, with a view to expanding the campaign and attending to a total of 5,000 minors," said Luis Alejandro Pérez.

Sinacor's function.

This is a clinic that has doctors specializing in several branches of medicine, whose purpose is to provide quality medical care to society, reducing costs.

Dr. Manuel Odín de los Ríos Ibarra, director of said medical agency, affirms that diabetes has been constituted as one of the main threats of the Sinaloans, which is why it is necessary to work in a timely manner in prevention.

However, it is required help from other organizations that have the same purpose, just because of thisTo improve the access of culiacanenses to health in all their disciplines, ”said Dr. de los Ríos Ibarra, stating that they are in all the willingness to help in detection, not only of diabetes, but of other possible diseases.