sherpa41 said:
con_q_de_quimica said:
What how many diseases have they healed?Several types of blindness and deafness, scoliosis, tuberculosis, chickenpox, hepatitis C ...

The smallpox vaccine has been centuries that exists and the others ... a child of diphtheria in Barcelona recently died that is not today.Yes, centuries ago discovered some vaccines that prevent some diseases, but do not cure it once you have contracted it.And the scoliosis, blindness, deafness that will be very specific cases because I know dozens of people with those diseases and medicine only gives them bad remedies.

con_q_de_quimica said:
was the in vitro tests an example of why something may seem very promising and not reaching the experimentation phase in humans.

The problem is that you talk to us as if we all force fools and tell us things that everyone knows as if we did not know them, in vitro research or swine insulin.Please.We are non -silly diabetics.

I will have to change my name for "I of chemical industrial engineering".Although having a career has nothing to do with knowing anything.

Parts of a false premise, a child of diphtheria did recently died, but because his parents refused to vaccinate him, no matter how much there is a cure or better a way to prevent the disease, if you refuse to receive it you end up dying;I think we will all agree that appendicitis today is cured, because if you refuse to enter the operating room you also end up dying.

On blindness, deafness, etc ... I specify that "some types", that is, not all.

I don't count anything like nobody was dumb, much less, I tell things that in view of some comments seems that you do not take into account, it is not necessary to be "silly" to not know where insulin comes from, in fact theMost people do not know, it is not something that has to know someone who does not have specific training, nor does anyone know about in vitro studies, nor is there a need to call anyone fool.

I feel that my nik bothers you, but it is the one I have chosen because it has signed me, you will have the one that you have freely chosen to put.I think I have never put something like "you have to listen to me because I am chemical" or much less.

I think that the objective of this forum is not the personal attacks, but to share information so that we all improve, I feel that the dissemination bothers you and given the level of tension achieved, for my part I will not continue to comment on this thread.