Barcelona, ​​APR.(Press Europa) -

The personalized treatment of type 2 diabetes offers greater safety, effectiveNutrition of the Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona, ​​Antonio Pérez.

This issue has also been addressed by experts in Endocrinología, Estéban Jódar and Juan José Gorgojo, in the symposium sponsored by the Boehringer Ingelheim and Lilly pharmacists in their alliance for research in this field of medicine.

Both the Chief of Endocrinology and Nutrition of Quirón Madrid, Estéban Jódar, and the Endocrinology and Nutrition Unit of the Hospital de Alarcón Foundation, Juan José Gorgojo Gorgojo, have discussed against adapting the pharmaceutical regime to the needs of each patient, under the precept that there is no scientific evidence that support this therapeutic trend.

This idea has been refuted by Pérez, who stressed that this therapeutic procedure not only allows the patient to stick more to his regime, but the doctor has better control in the treatment of this complex pathology.

The individualized treatment has existed since the origins of medicine, although its evolution and technification has generated an abandonment of this trend in various pharmacological procedures, added the endocrinologist.

It is applied based on the potential risk-benefit balance of each option, depending on the pathophysiological and evolutionary characteristics of the disease, as well as the preferences, social and personal circumstances of each patient, so that it plays a more effective role incontrol of your illness.

In the Symposium, a study by the Professor of Endocrinology and Nutrition from the University of Seville, Santiago Durán, on the long -term safety and efficacy of the DPP4 inhibitor of the DPP4 Linagliptin, as therapy adjuvant to basal insulin in the treatment of patients with patients with patients with patients withType 2 diabetes.

In the investigation, in which 1,262 people have participated, it has been revealed that after 24 weeks the combination-insulin linagliptin-produces better glucose control, without additional risk of hypoglycemia.