This pathology is produced by alterations in the levels of glycemia that occur during pregnancy, since in that period hormonal changes occur that favor having some degree of insulin resistance, which increases glucose levels.

Arnaldo Acosta, an endocrine specialist in the metabolic area, reported that among the risk factors for gestational diabetes is hyperinsulinism (insulin resistance) characterized by overweight, polycystic ovary syndrome, high triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol, relatives with diabetesand women who have had an earlier delivery and the child weighed four or more kilograms.

Diagnosis in time.Pérez suggests women who want to get pregnant, get a study with the endocrinologist and gynecologist to rule out risk factors.

The endocrinologist said that gestational diabetes must be discardrisk you present.

He explained that with patients diagnosed with gestational diabetes since the beginning of pregnancy, it must be ruled out that he has had diabetes before pregnancy, because then he will continue.

Symptoms.According to Acosta, if patient glycemia is between 95 and 98, it has gestational diabetes but there are no symptoms.From the 180 milligrams in blood, the urine woman in large quantity and frequently, thirsty at all times, is very hungry and can gain or lose weight.

Treatment.Acosta said that if after breakfast, glycemia reaches 160, diet is suggested with support of a nutritionist plus physical activity aimed at pregnant women.If glycemia fails to lower insulin.

He informed that most babies born from mothers with this pathology are healthy.However, Pérez said that these children have the risk of being born with more than 4 kilos, shoulder trauma, neonatal hypoglycemia, and adults could develop diabetes or be obese.