Carlos Paz.CarlosPacense Gustavo Díaz was awarded by the University of Salvador and the Felipe Fiorini Foundation for his research on diabetes, while planning to celebrate it with a campaign to raise awareness about the disease in the center of Carlos Paz.The diabetologist received a special mention for his work and will be awarded in November in Buenos Aires.

"They gave us the first mention, which would be the second prize for the best basic research work on diabetes. Therefore, they invited us for November 11 that we were attending to give us the award and an honor toast at the headquarters of the University of the University of theSavior";The specialist revealed, who works with the group of friends of the diabetics of our town.

"We have been working for the organization of the Day of the International Diabetes Day, a conference will be held next Friday, November 13 at 8:00 p.m. in the Professor Manuel Díaz Salon and the traditional marathon for people with and without diabetes, which will bewill carry out next to the municipal sports center on Saturday, November 14 at 5:00 p.m. ";Gustavo Díaz added.

"Last year we had more than 600 participants and we called to participate in the community. We know that diabetes is a terrible epidemic that produces many complications worldwide and is an opportunity for Carlos Paz to have a vision of healthy tourism, sinceThese activities allow people to take care of their health ";The doctor completed.