Between 35 % and 60 % of diabetics have hearing problems.These increase with age.

The relationship of diabetes with the loss of vision is known.However, few associate the disease with hearing loss.In fact, the ear is one of the first organs that can notice the possibility of suffering diabetes.

Stuart Ross, an otolaryngologist, explains that "both patients with type 1 diabetes and type 2 have more frequently than the general population, auditory loss."

Diabetes can affect a small artery that irrigates the inner ear, altering the auditory capacity.

“Diabetics have neurosensory or perceptual loss, almost always due to alteration of cochlea or snail.The appearance of these auditory disorders increases with age and with the years elapsed since the diagnosis, ”he says.

Several studies point out that those who suffer from this disease less than ten years have between 35 and 40 percent of probability of developing auditory disorder, while those who were detected more than 10 years ago, this probability increases up to 60 percent.

Concern for them

According to the International Diabetes Federation, in the world there are 143 million women with diabetes (almost half of the diabetic community).This figure is estimated that it will increase by 222 million by 2030.

After evaluating medical reports of 990 patients with the disease, who had been performed audiograms, it was discovered that those who did not have it controlled were more likely to suffer from hearing loss.

The study, which was presented at the triological society meeting, concluded that the diabetics had a higher hearing impairment when their blood glucose levels were not controlled, while those that followed a treatment to control them had an auditory capacity similar to those similar to thewomen without diabetes.

“High levels of blood sugar can cause damage to capillaries and nerves that exist in the internal ear and a hearing loss;Therefore, people with diabetes should make periodic reviews of their ears, ”says José Antonio Rivas, doctor, Otologist and director of the Rivas Clinic.

Tips for conserving auditory capacity.

The sensation of buzzing in the ears, loss of hearing, dizziness or vertigo can be related to diabetes and be the first manifestations of the disease.

Healthy and healthy diet.Good nutrition is key to conserving hearing, just like the rest of the organs.Folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin A and Omega 3 fatty acids are associated with hearing conservation.

It is key to follow rigorous control: this advice refers to diet and treatment (with oral insulin or antiglukians).

It is important to avoid risk factors such as noise or ototoxic medications.And go to the specialist every six months.

Victor Ingrassia
La Nación (Argentina)