When you are certain of this disease, the resistance to accepting it can complicate the advised medical approach.The importance of acting positively.

Diabetes is a chronic disease and, as such, when a person receives for the first time their diagnosis can suffer a series of feelings and reactions that occur as true obstacles in the treatment and/or improvement of the initial picture.

From now on, it would seem that "being diabetic" is the new way that individual should be self -styled.The anger, isolation, states of anxiety, denial, minimization, anguish, depression, difficulty in adaptation, are some of those emotional and attitudinal states that this pathology can cause to those who find out that he suffers it.

These manifestations are a response to the impotence that is felt, to the non -acceptance and even the fear and anguish that is generated in relation to the same fact of imagining that the new condition can lead to physical suffering or a certain risk of life.

The person with diabetes must necessarily implement changes that can be very significant.These changes revolve around the type of food, the physical activity to be carried out, certain records of their own body that need to learn to recognize the signals that it provides, understand and accept in some cases that it must get used to medication, clinical controlsWith some periodicity, etc.All this implies a new organization in your life regarding activities, schedules, and life in general.

It is also necessary to think that, according to the characteristics of the personality and historicity of each one, such as what is happening in relation to the disease, it will be the incidence in its emotional states and how it will solve the state of crisis that provides adiagnosis of this type.

Special situations

There are stages that are more significant or more conflictive to achieve an acceptance and adaptation process.In childhood, this aspect will depend largely on the acceptance or resistance of the child's environment, that is, on adults around him.Adolescence is a stage of crisis where this aspect can be a trigger for alterations in emotional and behavior.Faced with a possible pregnancy, anguish is usually browse when diabetes is suffered.In older adults, to relate this disease with the close suffering or finitude, it can also be complex to be and feel good.

The person suffering from diabetes can go through different states of humor, until it finally manages to accept what happens to him.Sometimes he does not choose to share his anguish or anger in his closest environment.He doesn't want to make his loved ones suffer.Then, he does not talk about their concerns, which can be linked to ideas such as the possibility of blindness, stroke, sexual dysfunctions, etc.

However, it is necessary to say that when a disease is diagnosed with these characteristics, where the person after a diagnosis has a specific change in relation to their control and care, that care should not be less in the area of ​​emotions andthat all of them will play an important role on those same axes.

Finding a professional support for emotional health can be an accurate decision to understand and accept that it is not "a diabetic", but that it is a human being "with diabetes" and that it has in itself many resources and tools to help andself-understand in these circumstances.It is not necessary to "fight against the disease", it is necessary to "act in favor of it."

Find in a balanced and healthy emotional state will allow to accompany this disease better and achieve a better quality of life.