The portal that seeks to educate the Puntana population in diabetes, discovered in the tools of the SanLuisa digital agenda a way to reach 50 thousand people suffering from this disease throughout the province.

In San Luis, education and technology go hand in hand.Together they enhance the inclusion of thousands of children, youth and adults to the knowledge society.Inspired by this key pillar on which the SanLuita digital agenda is founded, the long -term digital plan promoted by the provincial state, doctors Daniel Sternik and Nancy Carreño created

Dr. Carreño and Sternik seek to transform San Luis into a province educated into diabetes through ICT.

Its objective is clear: "We aspire that San Luis be the first province of the country educated in diabetes," they said.To fulfill it, they use the tools offered by the project carried out by the University of La Punta (ULP), to digitally include all SanLuiseños.

The regulatory framework, the infrastructure, the educational plans of the ULP based on the methodology of digital public schools, and the possibility that each SanLuiseño can access the Internet for free, “offer the ideal context for the population to learn more aboutThis disease, ”Sternik and Carreño evaluated.And they added: “In San Luis, 50 thousand people suffer from diabetes;Half does not know.We believe this is the way to reach them. ”

After officially presenting the portal where users can access information related to the prevention and care of the disease, San Luis Diabetes landed on social networks.There he found a community that needed to interact with health professionals."This fed the mass and traffic towards the portal, and made it take more strength," the doctors explained.

Now its strategy is to launch a virtual classroom, where teachers, family members, professionals and the general public can be trained through online courses with an educational and preventive profile, based on the self -learning methodology.“This week we launched a course with the support of the Ministry of Education of San Luis.In less than 48 hours, 180 teachers were registered.The good reception shows us that there are people interested in educating themselves in diabetes, ”they pondered.

The project reached Mila Ferrer, an influential educator and leader in diabetes based in Miami, United States.
The project reached Mila Ferrer, an influential educator and leader in diabetes based in Miami, United States.

A project that transcends borders

When Sternik and Carreño officially presented their project, they never imagined the impact it would reach.In less than a year, he was declared of Provincial Interest by the Chamber of Deputies of the Province of San Luis and of Municipal Interest by the Deliberative Council of the City of San Luis.

In addition, he managed to incorporate an education course in diabetes through ICT as an optional matter of medicine at the Catholic University of CuyWorldly recognized doctor.

Recently, he also won the first prize of a contest organized by the Argentine Diabetes Society.“It was a push for us to have been recognized by the medical community.But we do not work for the awards but for the people of San Luis to use and value this tool that is free, ”they said.

But San Luis Diabetes did not remain in the provincial orbit.Yesterday they were contacted by Mila Ferrer, an influential educator and leader in IDF diabetes based in Miami, United States, who interested in his work decided to interview them to know the scope and objectives of his proposal."That a person like her has echoed our work gives us the pattern that we are on the right track," Sternik evaluated.