In Mexico, at least 14 million people have developed macular edema because of diabetes, which, like retinopathy, affects the central vision and can lead to blindness if it is not in a timely manner.

"There are no exact figures for the annual prevalence of people who have diabetes related macular degeneration, Head of the Retina Service of the General Hospital Dr Manuel Gea González, of the Ministry of Health.

A very sensitive area of ​​the retina is the so -called macula, which contains a liquid that is vital for the efficient functioning of the ocular globe;When this fluid tends to come out it is called macular edema and can cause blindness in the patient.One of the reasons, perhaps the main one, for which the liquid in the macula escapes is the high level of blood glucose.

It is not uncommon for diabetic macular edema to occur after diabetic retinopathy, a complex process of deterioration of the retina that produces the obstruction of blood vessels and the appearance of hemorrhages, due to high blood glucose levels.It is estimated that 70 percent of patients with diabetic retinopathy will develop macular edema at some point.

The blurred vision is the symptom to take into account before the possible appearance of the diabetic macular edema, as well as perception of floating particles, shadows or visual spots, in addition to difficulty seeing at night.

The ophthalmologist of the General Hospital stressed the importance of people consulting the retinologist at the time they receive the diagnosis of diabetes, and subsequently the annual review of their vision, through exams such as an eye fund, ocular pressure measure and visual acuity.

In addition, he stressed, it is important to follow a metabolic control to have normal glucose levels, as well as cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure.

One of the conventional therapies for the treatment of macular edema is the application of laser, which allows regulating the progression of the problem, although in some cases it can be aggressive, since it causes burns in the retina that make the tissue can be destroyed.

In our days the so -called antiangiogenic therapy for the treatment of macular edema is feasible, which is based on medications that are applied through intraocular injection that decreases the progression of the problem and produces stabilization and improvement of lost lines of vision.

Dr. Rafael Bueno explained that many patients with macular edema are children of people who have suffered macular degeneration and to prevent it, it is important that the ophthalmologist is visited from 45 years of age, at least once a year, to valueIf it is at risk.

"I wish we could prevent diabetes. However, in Mexico we have a heavy genetic load and that is why a son of a family with diabetics must be alert because surely at some point he will develop it," said Rafael Bueno.

He recommended a balanced diet rich in green foods with vitamin A and eat foods rich in Omega 3 to combat the appearance of age -related macular degeneration.

"Every time we see people with diabetes at earlier ages, and with the most aggressive and difficult disease to control; those patients over time if they do not have adequate control in glucose figures will necessarily develop vision problems," added the expert.