Make a donation for the 2015 maralat

Online: Link

Through the ATMs of "La Caixa"

Private donation: bank transfer to La Caixa, to the account number
Es94 2100 0555 34 0202122222

Foundations received from Law 49/2002

The La Mararató Foundation of TV3 is accepted to Law 49/2002, of December 23, on the tax regime of non -profit entities and fiscal incentives to patronage.Therefore, donations made to this foundation enjoy tax benefits.

Law 27/2014, of November 27, on Corporation Tax (BOE No. 288 of November 28), introduces modifications, with effects since January 1, 2015, in Law 49/2002.
Thus, the relief of donations and / or contributions of natural persons is set as follows:
Tax benefits

During 2015, the deduction of the IRPF share will be 50% for the first € 150.From this figure, what exceeds will have a 27.5% deduction
In 2016, deduction will be 75% for the first € 150, and for the rest, 30%.
Recurrent donations: From the 3rd year, the deduction of the IRPF fee will be 75% over the first € 150 and 35% on the rest.If the loyalty of the third year occurs in 2015, the deduction will be 32.5%.

Deduction limit

The limit will be 10% of the liquidable base.The amounts not applied by fee insufficiency or because they exceed the 10% limit are not transferable to future exercises.