A study by CEU San Pablo, from Madrid, states that in the bone cells of these patients the mechanisms of mechanisms would be affected.

“Diabetic patients have a higher risk of hip fractures, practically double with respect to non -diabetics.Likewise, type 1 diabetic patients have a considerable increase in risk with respect to those suffering from type 2, ”says CF Arancha Rodríguez de Gortázar, professor of Cellular Biology and Histology at the Faculty of Medicine of the CEU San Pablo University, inMadrid.

This professor leads a project of the Bone Pathophysiology Research Group of the aforementioned University that has been awarded, last month, by the Spanish Foundation for Bone Research and Mineral Metabolism (FEIOMM) with a concession of 6,000 euros to promote translational researchin the field of mineral and bone metabolism.

The objective of this research - base of the doctoral thesis of Alejandro Ordás, resident of traumatology at the Severo Ochoa hospital, in Madrid - is to analyze the effect of diabetes mellitus on mechanotransduction in bone cells.Francisco Forriol also participates in the study, professor in orthopedic and traumatological surgery in the CEU.

It is recommended to walk daily to strengthen bone and reduce blood glucose levels
“Physical exercise has a beneficial effect for our skeleton.This is due, in part, that physical stimuli translate into signs of survival in osteocytes (the most abundant cells of bone tissue), which allow the maintenance of bone mass.

In fact, when the bones do not receive sufficient physical stimuli, as in immobilized patients, or even more accused even in astronauts, bone mass is lost, ”explains Rodríguez de Gortázar.Its research group raises the hypothesis that in a diabetic environment, bone cells have affected the mechanisms that allow mechanotransduction, and that this fact could be responsible for the bone fragility found in the diabetic patient.

'In vitro' analysis

Prior to consent of the diabetic patient, researchers will extract bone and blood samples in selected subjects that have suffered a hip fracture susceptible to joint replacement.“These samples will be analyzed in vitro by reproducing the stimulus of the mechanical load and later comparing them.We have estimated that the sample collection phase lasts one year and that of the analysis another year, ”the teacher advances.

Waiting to obtain results, what recommendations can diabetics be done to strengthen their bones?“A strict glycemic control, physical exercise adapted to age and capacity, a varied and healthy diet and sunbathe a little every day.This can be summed up in walking daily, since while walking it contributes to avoid muscle loss, the bone is strengthened, the sun is taken necessary for vitamin D synthesis and decrease blood glucose levels.They should also be evaluated periodically by their GP, in case some type of pharmacological therapy should begin. ”