In Diabetes Experience Day it will also have a special prominence Cini, a Jack Russell Terrier who, twenty minutes in advance and thanks to his smell, is able to detect if its owner Lidia Nicuesa, 19 years old and affected by type 1 diabetes, has alower or sugar rise.

This meeting celebrates its second edition with the objective of consolidating the initiative and continuing to "give voice" to this "silent disease" that is characterized by an increase in blood sugar level (blood glucose), as explained to Efe Ángel Ramírez, creatorof the and organizer of the meeting.

Although there are already about 700 registered, it is expected to exceed the thousand participants to convert the event, which will be held at the Valencia Fair, "in reference" because diabetes "is not only on November 14, world day of this disease, but365 days a year, "according to Ramírez.

It will also serve to show "many false myths" about this pathology that affects about 12 percent of the Spanish population and of which there is no "good information" and a "very large awareness" is necessary by theCitizens

The patient will be the "absolute protagonist" of the encounter, although specialists will also intervene in the disease to form and educate about diabetes and present the latest news about this ailment as a new glycemia meter.

This advance of ABBOT laboratories allows those affected to place a patch every 14 days and measure themselves when they want the level of blood glucose, instead of puncturing several times a day in the fingers of the hand.

In the Diabetes Experience Day they will announce their history patients such as Antonio Ortega, who in 2003 diagnosed diabetes and seven years later, in 2010, completed in Lanzarote his first Iron Man, the most demanding test of the triathlon.

Antonio Lledó will also share his experience, who crossed the Morocco desert by bicycle, or Josu Feijoo, who has already uploaded seven summits, one of them Everest, and now prepares to be an astronaut and climb the space in the ship of Virgin Galactic.

"Many things can be done having diabetes," said Efe Feijoo, who has pointed out that although on December 29, 1989, when he was 23 years old, life gave him a "Zancadilla" to be diagnosed with diabetes, he chose to liveWith her and is her "travel partner"

"Diabetes has not conditioned me, although I recognize that it is more difficult for meThe six continents, including Everest, and has traveled the South and North Poles.

Also pilot combat airplanes, practices skating, surf and karate and now prepares to be an astronaut and be a passenger in the first flight that Virgin Galactic performs, whose ticket already acquired a few years ago for one million dollars, and for this it is being preparedin NASA and the Russian Space Center.

In addition, he collaborates with the research carried out by Dr. Enrique Roche in Alicante and that has allowed them to cure rats diabetes and that he would like to try in his person when he is in space.

For his part, Lidia Nicuesa has explained to Efe that her dog, which was especially trained for this purpose, detects both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia about twenty minutes in advance, the long time to modify the dose, and does so sitting in frontof her and barking.

The young woman, who studies teaching, diagnosed the disease at age 5 and, despite the "phobia" he had to the needles, had to inject the insulin up to 9 years.Since then he has an insulin pump that provides the necessary glucose throughout the day.