The cardiovascular pathophysiology laboratory of the BUAP Physiology Institute have shown that patients with diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome (SM) alter the electrical activity of the heart causing arrhythmias.

This was announced by Julián Torres Jácome, responsible for this laboratory, who participated in the science science program in Radio BUAP, referring that until a few years ago the above was unknown by the medical and scientific community specialist in Diabetes Mellitus.

“By themselves diabetes and metabolic syndrome make electrical activity alter generating arrhythmias.Before it was thought that diabetic arrhythmias were caused by disorders such as hypertension or hyperlipidemia, which made the arteries cover and infarctions were caused.In general, everyone thought that the cause of arrhythmias was due to the presence of high -blood lipids, ”he said.

Therefore, the laboratory in charge has become one of the few in the world dedicated to research in animal models to determine how diabetes and SM affect the electrical activity of the heart, a fact that triggers cardiac arrhythmias in patients with saidsuffering.

“Metabolic syndrome gives a great probability that a high percentage of people suffering from developing diabetes in the future.We have found that the heart becomes very fatty and that fat makes some fatal disturbances, in terms of electrical activity, but also prevents the conduct of that electrical activity, causing arrhythmias also in obese people, ”he added.

cardiovascular pathophysiology laboratory, of assets

During his participation in science in time, insisting that there are few laboratories in the world dedicated to this type of studies, Torres Jácome commented that his currently collaborates with José Antonio Sánchez Chapula, from the University of Colima, with specialists from theUniversity of the Basque Country, in Spain and from the Salt Lake City University, as well as with Marcia Hiriart of the UNAM, with the idea of ​​describing what are the causes produced by cardiac arrhythmias and to elucidate the alterations caused by diabetes in the activitycardiac, which will serve to offer adequate drugs to the sick, as well as preventive treatments.

“An interesting aspect of these investigations is that not all arrhythmias should be treated with the same medication, because if a diabetic suffering from arrhythmias they give him a drug that inhibits safe potassium currents will cause death, because he has already diminishedthose currents;Hence the importance of knowing what causes arrhythmia to attack the problem without producing fatal effects.The idea is to reduce the number of deaths from diabetics, ”he said.

In this time issuance in time, in the Young Researchers section, Ana Laura López Serrano, a student of the Master in Physiological Sciences of the Institute of Physiology and Alondra Alvarado Ibáñez, a student at the Biomedical Sciences of the Institute of Cellular Physiology of theUNAM.