Exposure to the chemical endocrine disruptor Bisphenol A During pregnancy it can increase the susceptibility of a mother to gain weight and develop diabetes in the future, according to a new study conducted by Spanish researchers in animals and published in 'Endocrinology'.

This chemical used for the manufacture of epoxy plastics and resins, bisphenol A (BPA), is found in a variety of consumption products, including plastic bottles, food cans and cash receipts.Centers for disease control and prevention have estimated that more than 96 percent of Americans have BPA in their bodies.

BPA is a well -known endocrine disruptive, a chemical that mimics, blocks or interferes with body hormones.Since last year, about a hundred epidemiological studies have been published that found an association between the BPA and the effects on human health, including reproductive and metabolic disorders, according to the introduction guide to chemicals.Endocrinology and Ipen.

"Our results suggest that pregnancy represents a new susceptibility window for mothers exposed to BPA," says one of the authors of the study, Ángel Nadal, from Miguel Hernández de Elche University."BPA exposure in low doses during this period can increase the risk of developing diabetes in the future," he adds.

To examine the long-term effects of BPA exposure during pregnancy, scientists analyzed pregnant mice, to those who divided into three groups, one exposed to a daily dose of 10 micrograms/kg of BPA for 9-16 days of gestation, others at 100 microg/kg daily during the same period and a control group that was not exposed to the BPA.After the mice parked, the researchers performed regular glucose tolerance tests to measure their ability to metabolize sugar.

Four months after childbirth, the mice that were exposed to the BPA began to show signs of glucose intolerance, with higher glucose levels than the control group for 30 minutes after exposure to glucose.When the rodents were analyzed again six months after the delivery, the high glucose levels in the group exposed to BPA persisted for two hours after the exhibition.

Seven months after childbirth, the researchers examined the beta cells of the animal pancreas-the cells responsible for insulin manufacturing-under a microscope to determine how the BPA affects cells.The analysis revealed that the rodents that were exposed to the BPA presented a significant decrease in the mass of beta cells and lower levels of insulin secretion than control animals.

Mice exposed to BPA also tended to have higher body weights than control animals.The researchers found in particular that mice in experimental groups tended to be approximately 3 percent heavier than controls.

The BPA mimics the actions of the stradiol hormone, a natural hormone that can regulate the function of beta cells and cause insulin resistance.Researchers have the theory that exposure to BPA during pregnancy can lead to the work overload of pancreatic beta cells and lead to an increase in susceptibility to the development of diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

"Numerous studies have seen that the BPA can damage the glucose metabolism of the offspring during the exposure in the uterus, but this is one of the first to focus on how the endocrine disruptor affects mothers," says another of theAuthors of the study, Paloma Alonso-Magdalena."Our data suggests that exposure can have long -term effects for the mother, including a predisposition to overweight or development of metabolic syndrome or diabetes," he concludes.