On the occasion of the celebration of the XXVI Congress of the Spanish Society of Diabetes Diabetes has had the possibility of interviewing several national diabetes specialists.Some meetings in which we have been able to talk about very specific aspects of the disease at the moment in its two most important variables, to type 1 diabetes and the type 2 diabetes. Of gestational diabetes, it was talked about in this congress.

The first of the interviews carried out hand in hand with Dani Royo, creator of the Diabetes Type 1 website, had as its protagonist the endocrine of the Clinic Hospital of Barcelona and vice president of SED, Dr. Anna Novials.An interesting conversation that we reproduce below.

General Balance of Congress

Dr. Anna Novials made a positive review of the Valencia thirst congress in which the assistance was superior to that of previous years with more than 1000 accredited medical professionals.An important event in which numerous disciplines of medicine such as nutrition, nursing, psychology or endocrinology connected to know the here and now of diabetes in Spain.Dr. Anna Novials confirmed that this event will have her continuation next year in Bilbao and the next with many options for traveling to Barcelona.

In the review of the scientific contents of Congress, as their maximum supervisor, Dr. Anna Novials wanted to review some interesting aspects in type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. The diabetes specialist highlighted the clinical problems of difficult approach to diabetesas the fear of hypoglycemia."There is a resistance to controlling the fear of hypoglycemia" according to endocrine Anna Novials.

Another of the outstanding aspects was that of new technologies such as infusors with the new sensors, as well as use, especially in type 2 diabetes of Diana drugs, that is, those that instead of acting in a generic way attack a certain aspect achievingThe summation effect.For Dr. Anna Novials this serves to improve the control of type 2 diabetes.

The cure of type 1 diabetes

In the case of type 1 diabetes, drug Arsenal is lower, but in the technological one there is a lot of hope, although “basic research is more delayed due to the lack of investment” and above all because at this point the origin orUnleashing of type 1 diabetes. Apparently the determinants of the development of type 1 diabetes could be in environmental factors together with a genetic predisposition, but “the causes have not been proven, and as long as these causes are not knowndisease, and as in any disease if causes are not known, it is difficult to cure it. ”A fact that complicates her future cure, in the words of Dr. Anna Novials “we do not know the causes of it, we believe that the most successful line goes through immunology and cell treatment, with the idea of ​​trying to make new beta cellsinsulin producers ”.

Master in Diabetological Education

From thirst the bet must be the research "we know how to treat patients very well with what we have today although if we do not get money to investigate, it will not advance."In this sense, Dr. Anna Novials recalled that "SED is promoting a master's degree in Nursing Education, endorsed by universities", since apart from investigating therapeutic education it is key "we have education staff ready to train" and that is that ""A well -educated patient knows how to treat himself better. ”The objective with this master and with this idea of ​​promoting education in diabetes is “getting specific places of educator personnel