The prevalence of type 2 diabetes in Spain is increasing and various studies associate overweight and obesity to an increased risk of suffering from it, hence experts consider the latest stadium approach key to promote changes in life habits andImprove the adhesion of patients to their treatment.

This has been recognized by Francesc Xavier Cos, of the Primary Care Service of Cap Sant Martí de Proveçals de Barcelona, ​​during the IX Diabetes and Obesity Meeting organized by the Diabetes and Obesity Group of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI), with theNovartis collaboration.

The disease affects almost 14 percent in over 18 and doubles between those over 65, hence the approach to type 2 diabetes in the earliest stages of the disease is presented as "ideal forraise awareness about their condition and offer individualized care. "

These first phases are key in the development of the disease, at which time, according to specialists, "intensive treatment and strict management of diabetic disease, at ages when treating the disease intensively has no risks, will implypotentially long -term benefits. "

In fact, various studies have clearly shown the benefits of being intensive during the first years of diabetic disease, even reaching a reduction in mortality.

In this meeting, experts have also insisted on the need to train patients in the importance of self -care and improve training in nursing staff and internal medicine specialists.

"About 38 percent of patients entering internal medicine services suffer from diabetes and suppose about 16 percent of those attending in external consultations," according to Emilio Casariego, president of the SEMI.

"We must provide individualized models to facilitate self -control and self -management of the disease by the patient. If the healthcare professional does not get the patient responsible for their own disease, it will be difficult to improve their prognosis," added Cos.