The Department of Childhood of Humanes of Madrid, directed by Raquel Alonso, has signed a collaboration agreement with the Association of Diabetics of Humanes of Madrid, to facilitate the access of information and subscription to specific camps for children with diabetes, organized by theFederation of Diabetics Associations of the Community of Madrid (FADCAM).

The activities proposed by this entity are two summer camps: one for children from 8 to 12 years (although, exceptionally, those of 7 years can be contemplated), and another for young people from 13 to 17 years.

The two camps will take place from August 2 to 12, both inclusive, in the hostel

During these days it is intended that children and young people live with other children and young people of their age, and acquire basic knowledge in diabetes that provide them autonomy for their management and control, without forgetting the recreational-sports activities and, of course, pass itgood.

The price, not including possible personal scholarships, is € 295 (partners) and € 395 (non -partners).This price includes: transport, accommodation and maintenance, diabetological control, activities, didactic material, insurance and medical care.The places are limited (30 per camp) and will be awarded by rigorous order of arrival.Those selected will be informed of the documentation, standards and the necessary equipment, as well as the informative meeting prior to the camps that will be maintained with the parents/guardians.

Likewise, the 2015 Diabcamp Scholarship application may be attached. Those families that are interested can obtain more information from May 25 to 28 in the Department of Childhood (C/ Estanislao Zazo, 5), in their public service hours: from 09:30 to 13:30 and from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Communication of the City of Humanes of Madrid