The 16th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, which lasted five days, declared that all products derived from tobacco are harmful and that tobacco consumption, in all its forms, is an important factor of appearance of noncommunicable diseases.

He also urged to better apply the guidelines of the World Health Organization to reduce this consumption and urged countries that have not done so to sign the Frame Convention for Tobacco Control (CMCT) of the WHO.This text has already been signed by 180 countries, but the conference estimated that its objectives have not been achieved.

Non -transmissible diseases, such as cancer or diabetes, cause 38 million deaths every year of which 16 million could be avoided thanks to preventive measures, such as anti -tabaco policies, anti -alcohol and in favor of physical and sports activities, according to a report by theWHO published in January.

Non -communicable diseases are heart disease, cancer, lung, respiratory diseases and diabetes.

The tobacco kills 6 million people per year, alcohol at 3.3 million, the absence of physical exercise 3.2 million and excess salt in feeding to 1.7 million.

AFP source